SP4: Social, legal, economic and ethical aspects – Integrated Technology Assessment (TA) for CORAERO
The work package functions as a continuous reflection for the project by providing continuous and integrated feedback on potential and emerging social, legal and ethical implications as well as issues of trust and acceptance. This will identify gaps and allow new information to flow into the research and technology development throughout the project. This WP is based on "Real-Time TA" whereby TA is embedded throughout the design and development of the technology by providing analysis and information to the research team at regular intervals. This will include assessments of relevant critical aspects as an "early warning" and foresight by drawing on the expertise of the research team and expanding its interdisciplinary communication and competencies. The combination and integration of ELSI, Real-Time TA, inclusion of stakeholders as well as global comparisons of technologies and policy framings will facilitate important feedback within the project and integrated interdisciplinary knowledge and novel technology development. This WP will also be in regular interactions with the “COping CAPacity of nations facing systemic crisis – a global inter-comparison exploring the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (COCAP-CoV-2)” project in order to allow for information between both research groups to be exchanged providing a fruitfull ground for learning between the projects, especially regarding societal aspects. Specifically the analysis of global data sets and the selection of 6-10 national investigation cases in the COCAP project should provide further valuable insights for CORAERO, concretely concerning the analysis for technology development and policy making framings.
- Task 1: Early and continuous assessments of ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI). The focus of ELSI will be on social, legal, ethical and economic aspects including the analysis of social settings of technology implementation, e.g. in schools, factories, transport and public spaces. This will include assessments of expectations and concerns of key stakeholders within the project and potential users as well as in-depth national and international science and technology policy analyses.
- Task 2: Analyse issues of trust and acceptance regarding the research and technology development stages. The focus of trust/acceptance analysis is to identify parameters that impact on public perceptions of the technology area and specific relevant product development. This will include desktop research on (recent) public perception surveys on COVID-19 (as well as other pandemics), science and technology developments and interviews with key experts in the area.
- Task 3: "Real-Time TA" embedded feedback loops throughout the project. This will also entail feedback from stakeholders as well as global comparisons of technologies and policy framings to enable integrated interdisciplinary knowledge and novel technology development during the project. An interdisciplinary approach combining for instance engineering with TA will enable unique and tailored reflections and recommendations for the project and further research on airborne transmission and efficient systems.